Home Inspector Associations
Silicon Valley ASHI CREIA
Submitted by KenCollins on Tue, 07/22/2014 - 15:22Integrity, reliability, and competence all describe members of Silicon Valley ASHI/CREIA. Silicon Valley ASHI/CREIA is the South Bay chapter of the American Society of Home Inspectors and the California Real Estate Inspection Association. ASHI and CREIA are widely recognized as two of the oldest and finest associations representing property inspectors in California and throughout the country. Those listed on this site hold membership in one or both organizations to assure you of the highest possible standards when scheduling a property inspection.
California Real Estate Inspection Association
Submitted by KenCollins on Tue, 07/22/2014 - 15:10The California Real Estate Inspection Association (CREIA) is a voluntary, nonprofit public-benefit organization of real estate inspectors. Founded in 1976, CREIA provides education, training and support services to its members and the real estate community. CREIA's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice are recognized by the California Business and Professions Codes and are considered the standard of care by the real estate industry and legal profession in the state.
American Society of Home Inspectors
Submitted by KenCollins on Tue, 07/22/2014 - 14:40Founded in 1976, ASHI is North America’s oldest and most respected professional society of home inspectors. ASHI’s goals have always been to build customer awareness of the importance of a quality home inspection and enhance the professionalism of home inspectors.